Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love everyone.... always

Seems to me that many people I know (as well as myself) have had many issues in life with what I like to call "mean people." You know, the ones who make assumptions about you and your character, or judge you when they really have no place to be judgemental at all, or try to cut you down when they really have no reason to do so. Or they just straight up make stuff up about you, which is super fun! LOL
I hear about this problem quite often from friends, family and clients.... I think its a pretty common problem and it can really take its toll on all of us as individuals..... fact is if you let it, it can steal your joy.

Its not an easy thing to deal with, but we must remember that good ole' golden rule.... treat others as you would like to be treated! It is God's command that we love eachother the way that He loves us.... and that means with the good and the bad, unconditionally no matter what the price.
So even if/when someone judges you.... labels you, or talks about you and your life even when they don't know or have any facts .... you must still have love and compassion for them in your heart.
God tells us that we are to pray for our "enemies".... which really doesn't seem quite fair does it? LOL
I have found that to be one of the most difficult things to do.
Having said that, as it turns out by praying for those who have hurt me at some point or another in my life, it has allowed me to heal and let go so that I can be happy and keep my joy!

Remember, no person has any right to judge you for anything! What you do, what you say, how you act, etc is between you and God! Keep your peace, and don't give people the power to hurt you!

Have a super day!

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