Thursday, September 15, 2011

Doing the best with what YOU have...

Many people asked me all of the time how I have been successful with my personal training business and other business endeavors. First I want to say thank you for the compliment! :) I believe knowing what your gifts are and using them to help others is a great key to being successful! You also have to remain a humble and kind person, no matter how much success comes your way, at the end of the day we are all the same and we are all created equal. Don't try to be something that your not.... as I've told people many times I would have loved to be a rockstar LOL, only 1 problem... I cannot sing! So I was able to find something that I could do well, and had a passion for.... that is an equation for success!
You also have to be willing to work hard and be patient! Anything worth having takes a lot of hard work, and trust me I have had my fair share of let down's and "no's" from people, companies, etc. I have also been drug through the mud numerous times by people and at the time went through what seemed to be failures. Just remember that being persistant, consistant and having passion for what you do and knowing who you are in Chirst will get you further then anything else ever could!
Anything is possible! Believe and Achieve!

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