Monday, September 26, 2011

An OMG Moment!

So cruising South on Parker Rd today minding my biz..... there was a car in front of me that I noticed was really swirving ALL OVER the road! People were honking and going around, etc. Beings I have a GINORMOUS (is that a word??? LOL) car I got right behind the "out of control" car thinking I could hopefully prevent a wreck. I called CSP and told them what was going on, gave them the license plate number and let them know where we were. As I'm talking the car is going off the road, back on the road, in and out of lanes.... totally out of control! I am just trying to stay close behind with my hazard lights on, again hoping to prevent an accident! Of course my first assumption was "this person is WASTED" LOL
So after a couple of miles or so, the car went straight off into the median and came to a screeching hault!
I'm still on the phone with CSP at this point and park and run up to see if the individual was ok.
It was just this little old lady, and she was passed out cold! :(
I checked her pulse, still breathing, THANK GOODNESS! And then she started to wake up... she was so out of it! She was able to inform me that she was in fact diabetic, so we quick tested her blood sugar which was dangerously low (32)...... she was barely holding her eyes open! I ran to my car to get some food (good thing I always have a cooler full of healthy snacks and meals !) I grabbed an apple and headed back to her.
She could barely eat it.... so scary! Soon the paramedics showed up and hauled her off!
WOW! OMG moment of the day! :)
Do you have an OMG moment???? Please share!

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