Monday, May 23, 2011

Grouchy Folks !

What's ya'lls take on grouchy people? My goodness I had to run errands today and by the time I was done, I had been cut off 3 times..... (2 of which were in my car and the other was actually by a grouchy grocery cart driver in the store), then the checker was so miserable that when I said "hello how are you today".... literally no response LOL, then how about the folks in the line next door who's kiddos were screaming from the top of their lungs and their resolution to that was to yell back at them only to escalate the already unbearable situation.
Then off to the bank I went where the poor teller (who was trying to help the grouchy customer) was getting yelled at about some NSF items that the customer had hit their account. The poor girl (teller) kept telling this grouchy customer that she wasn't the one to talk to about this, yet the customer kept screaming at her. I felt so bad for her!
My take on this is #1- be patient you aren't the only person on the road, #2- be courteous to people always, waiting an extra 5-10 minutes its not the end of the world,  #3- is it just me, or does yelling at an upset child only make the situation worse?, #4-if you hate your job that much, then find another job, #5- its not the teller's fault that you have NSF's on your account, stop and think before you act!

Seriously though, life is what you make it! Make good choices, do the right things and treat people the way you want to be treated! Its not that difficult is it? God gives us all grace, how about we try using it... life is just way too short to spend miserable and grouchy all of the time!
Make some changes, and BE HAPPY! :) -just sayin!


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