Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gifts and Talents

I remember when I was little I wanted to be a singer or a movie star.
There was only one small problem, I couldn't act and I certainly couldn't sing... although I thought I sounded just amazing in my room jamming out to my Tiffany, Amy Gibson and Paula Abdul, my parents had to break it to me gently, that singing just wasn't my gift!
Darn it! So disappointing..... on the other hand thank goodness they were honest with me and I didn't end up being one of those poor souls on the American Idol auditions :)

Has there ever been something in your life that you wanted to do so badly, but you just had to come to the realization that maybe it just wasn't your "thing"?
In my last posting I talked about being secure in yourself, loving yourself and being content in your own skin.
Well recongnizing your talents, gifts and and abilities can really help all of us increase our securities in ourselves. Usually these things stem off of something that your interested in and do as a profession or even as a hobby. My favorite quote is "God will never help you be someone else, use your own gifts wisely and celebrate your life."
This is so true! You were born with your own plan, and your own talents and once you discover what those things are and begin focusing on them you will see yourself growing and having great success!

Look around, so many people were born so differently and with so many different talents. Imagine the possiblities if everyone could recognize and focus on those things and utilize them for good, rather then trying to be and do things that other people do!
Would be pretty amazing wouldn't it!

So take a moment and write down your own gifts and talents! I bet you'll amazed to see what you can find out about yourselves!

Happy Sunday to you!

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