Monday, May 16, 2011

Proud Moments

As a trainer and coach, it is so amazing and rewarding to assist individuals in not only reaching all of their goals, but also to see how it transforms them as a person and helps to improve their overall quality of life.
This past weekend one of my clients, Nancy competed in her first figure show and came home with a 1st place and two 2nd place trophies. Of course every time that any of my girls compete is a wonderful proud moment for me, but Nancy's journey has been one of those very special journeys that I will certainly never forget. When Nancy first came to me in August of 2010, she was just recovering from a serious illness that had put her flat on her back, literally for months. Because she wasn't able to workout in any way she wasn't only feeling terrible physically, but it had taken its emotional and mental toll as well. She was 50 years old and started working with me at 33% body fat.
She was dedicated to getting healthy and was diciplined in every regard. Nancy never missed her workouts, she ate only the things that I had put on her meal plans and 9 months later she was able to compete in her 1st ever figure competition! Her mind/body/soul has completely transformed..... she stepped on stage at an amazing 12% body fat and came home with an arm load of trophies!
Nancy will be competing again soon, and I'm confident that she is going to keep doing an amazing job!
Thank you Nancy for allowing me to help you on this journey, and for giving me such a proud and wonderful moment!

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