Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1st of many great/strange stories from Canada!

ok so after the show was over we had to go downtown to check out Toronto! So me, Bethany and our 2 new friends- Karen and Lori headed down to check out the festivities.
They had some kind of street festival going on, so we walked around to check that out.... I think we stopped 3 different times to eat, and of course the girls got their drink on! There was a little band playing in the street so we all busted out some serious dance moves.... 4 hot girls dancing in the street is sure to attract quite the crowd! LOL fun times!
We wanted to go to this restraunt/tower that everyone had told us about so we headed that direction.
On the way we passed this outdoor bar/grill and Bethany and Karen spotted some cute boys. Being the single girls that they are, of course they wanted to go in. So we all go in and take a seat at the bar. The girls ordered some beers, I of course had my water LOL
So this guy sitting to the left of Karen and I starts talking to us.... STRANGEST conversation I have ever been a part of seriously!
Here's how it went:
STRANGE GUY: "You ladies are so beautiful.... my name is Rick Jones I'm from Toronto Canada and I'm 35 years old. I'm a convict. "
....... uhhhh yea that's right he gave his entire "profile" and then said he's a convict who has already served time and has his next trial in October and that he'll be going back in for another 3 years.
wow! ok... so being the curious girls we are, we ask "what did you do"
STRANGE GUY: "Trafficing, assault, and something else that I don't want to talk about. But you girls, you are good girls.... you girls are gonna make it I just know it! You know I made some mistakes, but I'll be ok I'll be ok."
JENNY: "That's right, just keep moving forward you'll be ok."
KAREN: "Everyone makes mistakes just do your time, and you'll be ok."
STRANGE GUY: "Yes I just need to make sure I can get enough heroin and cocaine stuffed up my a** before I go back in so I make it through...."
uhhhh (Karen and Jenny sit in silence for a few moments..... )
KAREN: "Doesn't that hurt???"
STRANGE GUY: "oh yea hurts like hel*, but done it before, I can do it again."
Jenny:"ok well we need to go to the bathroom!"
now tell me that isn't the strangest conversation you've ever heard!
WOW! Needless to say we stayed far far away from the strange guy after that!
more stories to come!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Show's over!

Well its about 3am in Toronto... long day for all of us competitors for sure! The show was wonderful! I met so many new and wonderful people, just love making new friends! The 1 million dollar stage production of this show was simply amaze, and Nick Carter performing was pretty cool too ;)
This was not only my first competition as a pro, but also my first show with this division. I certainly brought my best, and worked by butt off to be on that stage! These athletes are phenominal, there is no if, and's, or but's about it! I found myself standing in line with these pro girls thinking "wow am I really a part of this???"
LOL and yes I was a part of it, and what an amazing experience and honor it was! There is always work to be done as a competitor, and always improvements to make!
For me to compete in this division and place in the top 3-5, I will definetely need to be more conditioned (leaner) my physique was lean, but compared to these girls my physique was too soft.
I love the challege of learning, growing, changing and improving! So as soon as I get home its back to work in preperation for the next show!
The true real rewards of this show have been the entire experience....the memories that have been made, the funny stories to tell, meeting so many people from all over the world, and the new friendnships that have been made! We are all winners!
Good night all talk soon

Friday, August 26, 2011

1 day to go!

A little walk around Toronto last night, and a great nights sleep.... just chillin today watching some country music videos, catching u on gossip magazines and getting my eat on and my tan on :)
Thank goodness for my awesome friend (Team Crush girl and SUF Coach) Karen Papajohn who made all of my food for me and delivered it in perfect little baggies to my hotel ! THANK YOU KAREN YOUR THE BEST!
keep ya'll posted as the day goes on!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stories to tell already!

So left Denver late last night.... red eye flight into Newark simple enough right??? We were set to land in Newark at 5:30am and my Toronto flight was to leave Newark at 6:30am... plenty of time right? Of course I was sitting in the very back row of the plane between 2 men, one who I swear had no idea what deodorant was and the other needed a seat belt extension to get the belt around him. (you get the picture.) Beings it was a flight through the night everyone was pretty much sleeping... so of course they were both snoring and to top it off the "odor eater needed" fella had his hand in his pants while he was sleeping ! SUPER!!! LOL

Well after the 3 hour flight that seemed like 20 hours, we arrived 20 minutes late into Newark and of course I wasn't even at the right concourse for my connection to Toronto...so after seriously bustin a move to get to my gate right at 6:34am, I saw the board.... "6:30am Toronto FLIGHT CANCELLED"....
next flight out 8:30am... oh but wait there is a horrible storm so we wouldn't end up leaving Newark until after 11am. Afer boarding the plane at 11am, we then sat on the plane for another hour before finally leaving!
I was supposed to have arrived in Toronto at 8:30am... actual arrival time, 1:40pm! Ok now off to baggage claim.... can you take a wild guess??? Bags still in Newark! OF COURSE they are! LOL
at this point I've had no sleep, no food, no water.....pretty much delusional! I just had to stop and laugh!
God, is this a test??? LOL haven't I had enough tests in my life for heaven's sake!

Finally made it to the hotel and I am about to get some food in my belly and crash!
Let's hope any other stories will be a little more uplifting..... although you must admit, it is rather humurous!

Make sure to watch this blog and Facebook for other updates, news, stories, etc! Gonna be an awesome weekend!
talk soon

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Off to Canada!

getting ready to head out to the airport... headed to Toronto for the WBFF World Championships!
I'll be posting updates here as well as Facebook!
Thanks for keeping up with my postings everyone! talk soon

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost Show Time!

hey ya'll!
hope everyone's summer has been fantastic! As usual my life has been very busy.... next week I will be headed to Canada to compete with the "best of the best" in the fitness industry! I am very excited, also a bit nervous to be on stage with such awesome athletes! What an honor!
For those of you who haven't received an email, or noticed on the website, Straight Up Beauty skin care products are officially launched and you can purchase them in kits or individually on our Store page at http://www.straightupfitness.net/.
If a kit doens't fit your budget, but you would like to see some major improvements with the elasticity and "glow" of your skin, I would suggest purchasing some individual Serums and Peptide Lotions they are awesome!
Last week I was able to go down to Kentucky to visit with my family on the farm! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and we had a great time! My mom taught me how to can food (she has a garden the size of my house! LOL) we also spent a lot of time hanging in the pool and of course I spent a lot of time in the gym and out sprinting on those beautiful country roads.
We recently found out that my baby brother and sister in law are expecting their first baby in February so we are super excited!
As summer comes to an end we will be running some online training specials for Straight Up Fitness so keep an eye out on the website, or facebook! If you haven't "Liked" our Facebook page please join us on there as well! :)
Catch up soon!