Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost Show Time!

hey ya'll!
hope everyone's summer has been fantastic! As usual my life has been very busy.... next week I will be headed to Canada to compete with the "best of the best" in the fitness industry! I am very excited, also a bit nervous to be on stage with such awesome athletes! What an honor!
For those of you who haven't received an email, or noticed on the website, Straight Up Beauty skin care products are officially launched and you can purchase them in kits or individually on our Store page at
If a kit doens't fit your budget, but you would like to see some major improvements with the elasticity and "glow" of your skin, I would suggest purchasing some individual Serums and Peptide Lotions they are awesome!
Last week I was able to go down to Kentucky to visit with my family on the farm! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and we had a great time! My mom taught me how to can food (she has a garden the size of my house! LOL) we also spent a lot of time hanging in the pool and of course I spent a lot of time in the gym and out sprinting on those beautiful country roads.
We recently found out that my baby brother and sister in law are expecting their first baby in February so we are super excited!
As summer comes to an end we will be running some online training specials for Straight Up Fitness so keep an eye out on the website, or facebook! If you haven't "Liked" our Facebook page please join us on there as well! :)
Catch up soon!

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