Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sometimes you just have to laugh!

so I lost my wallet..... I think it happened last Fri/Sat, but of course I didn't realize that it was lost until Monday when I was almost out of gas and stopped at the gas station to fill up.... hmm no wallet!
So long story short, after making sure I checked everywhere for it, I contacted the bank at which time I found out someone had a really fun time with my debit card the previous couple of days!
So spent hours on the phone with the bank, the social security office and the driver's license office.
Thankfully the bank will take care of things and refund my money.
Ok so then off to the bank to get a new account- done..... then off to the driver's license office to get a new license.... the lady says to me "are you aware that your driver's license has been revoked".... UHHH "obviously not" I said!
Apparently her computer system showed an unpaid speeding ticket from 2008... then she proceeds to tell me to contact Elbert County, pay the ticket and then I'll have to re-take my written test to attain my permit, which I'll have to keep for 6 months, then re-take my driving test before I can get my license back.
I knew there must have been an error, because if I hadn't paid my ticket there would have been a warrant issued for me, and when I got pulled over all of those times between 2008-2010, they would have hauled me off to the "big house".... LOL
anyways after calling Elbert County, we discovered it was just an error on their part, and now I'll get the pleasure of going back to sit in line at the drivers license office again tomorrow!
good times.... good times
If God was testing me, I feel confident in saying that I passed with flying colors! I didn't get mad, upset, rude, or frustrated... I just had to laugh!

Monday, September 26, 2011

An OMG Moment!

So cruising South on Parker Rd today minding my biz..... there was a car in front of me that I noticed was really swirving ALL OVER the road! People were honking and going around, etc. Beings I have a GINORMOUS (is that a word??? LOL) car I got right behind the "out of control" car thinking I could hopefully prevent a wreck. I called CSP and told them what was going on, gave them the license plate number and let them know where we were. As I'm talking the car is going off the road, back on the road, in and out of lanes.... totally out of control! I am just trying to stay close behind with my hazard lights on, again hoping to prevent an accident! Of course my first assumption was "this person is WASTED" LOL
So after a couple of miles or so, the car went straight off into the median and came to a screeching hault!
I'm still on the phone with CSP at this point and park and run up to see if the individual was ok.
It was just this little old lady, and she was passed out cold! :(
I checked her pulse, still breathing, THANK GOODNESS! And then she started to wake up... she was so out of it! She was able to inform me that she was in fact diabetic, so we quick tested her blood sugar which was dangerously low (32)...... she was barely holding her eyes open! I ran to my car to get some food (good thing I always have a cooler full of healthy snacks and meals !) I grabbed an apple and headed back to her.
She could barely eat it.... so scary! Soon the paramedics showed up and hauled her off!
WOW! OMG moment of the day! :)
Do you have an OMG moment???? Please share!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Doing the best with what YOU have...

Many people asked me all of the time how I have been successful with my personal training business and other business endeavors. First I want to say thank you for the compliment! :) I believe knowing what your gifts are and using them to help others is a great key to being successful! You also have to remain a humble and kind person, no matter how much success comes your way, at the end of the day we are all the same and we are all created equal. Don't try to be something that your not.... as I've told people many times I would have loved to be a rockstar LOL, only 1 problem... I cannot sing! So I was able to find something that I could do well, and had a passion for.... that is an equation for success!
You also have to be willing to work hard and be patient! Anything worth having takes a lot of hard work, and trust me I have had my fair share of let down's and "no's" from people, companies, etc. I have also been drug through the mud numerous times by people and at the time went through what seemed to be failures. Just remember that being persistant, consistant and having passion for what you do and knowing who you are in Chirst will get you further then anything else ever could!
Anything is possible! Believe and Achieve!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1st of many great/strange stories from Canada!

ok so after the show was over we had to go downtown to check out Toronto! So me, Bethany and our 2 new friends- Karen and Lori headed down to check out the festivities.
They had some kind of street festival going on, so we walked around to check that out.... I think we stopped 3 different times to eat, and of course the girls got their drink on! There was a little band playing in the street so we all busted out some serious dance moves.... 4 hot girls dancing in the street is sure to attract quite the crowd! LOL fun times!
We wanted to go to this restraunt/tower that everyone had told us about so we headed that direction.
On the way we passed this outdoor bar/grill and Bethany and Karen spotted some cute boys. Being the single girls that they are, of course they wanted to go in. So we all go in and take a seat at the bar. The girls ordered some beers, I of course had my water LOL
So this guy sitting to the left of Karen and I starts talking to us.... STRANGEST conversation I have ever been a part of seriously!
Here's how it went:
STRANGE GUY: "You ladies are so beautiful.... my name is Rick Jones I'm from Toronto Canada and I'm 35 years old. I'm a convict. "
....... uhhhh yea that's right he gave his entire "profile" and then said he's a convict who has already served time and has his next trial in October and that he'll be going back in for another 3 years.
wow! ok... so being the curious girls we are, we ask "what did you do"
STRANGE GUY: "Trafficing, assault, and something else that I don't want to talk about. But you girls, you are good girls.... you girls are gonna make it I just know it! You know I made some mistakes, but I'll be ok I'll be ok."
JENNY: "That's right, just keep moving forward you'll be ok."
KAREN: "Everyone makes mistakes just do your time, and you'll be ok."
STRANGE GUY: "Yes I just need to make sure I can get enough heroin and cocaine stuffed up my a** before I go back in so I make it through...."
uhhhh (Karen and Jenny sit in silence for a few moments..... )
KAREN: "Doesn't that hurt???"
STRANGE GUY: "oh yea hurts like hel*, but done it before, I can do it again."
Jenny:"ok well we need to go to the bathroom!"
now tell me that isn't the strangest conversation you've ever heard!
WOW! Needless to say we stayed far far away from the strange guy after that!
more stories to come!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Show's over!

Well its about 3am in Toronto... long day for all of us competitors for sure! The show was wonderful! I met so many new and wonderful people, just love making new friends! The 1 million dollar stage production of this show was simply amaze, and Nick Carter performing was pretty cool too ;)
This was not only my first competition as a pro, but also my first show with this division. I certainly brought my best, and worked by butt off to be on that stage! These athletes are phenominal, there is no if, and's, or but's about it! I found myself standing in line with these pro girls thinking "wow am I really a part of this???"
LOL and yes I was a part of it, and what an amazing experience and honor it was! There is always work to be done as a competitor, and always improvements to make!
For me to compete in this division and place in the top 3-5, I will definetely need to be more conditioned (leaner) my physique was lean, but compared to these girls my physique was too soft.
I love the challege of learning, growing, changing and improving! So as soon as I get home its back to work in preperation for the next show!
The true real rewards of this show have been the entire experience....the memories that have been made, the funny stories to tell, meeting so many people from all over the world, and the new friendnships that have been made! We are all winners!
Good night all talk soon

Friday, August 26, 2011

1 day to go!

A little walk around Toronto last night, and a great nights sleep.... just chillin today watching some country music videos, catching u on gossip magazines and getting my eat on and my tan on :)
Thank goodness for my awesome friend (Team Crush girl and SUF Coach) Karen Papajohn who made all of my food for me and delivered it in perfect little baggies to my hotel ! THANK YOU KAREN YOUR THE BEST!
keep ya'll posted as the day goes on!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stories to tell already!

So left Denver late last night.... red eye flight into Newark simple enough right??? We were set to land in Newark at 5:30am and my Toronto flight was to leave Newark at 6:30am... plenty of time right? Of course I was sitting in the very back row of the plane between 2 men, one who I swear had no idea what deodorant was and the other needed a seat belt extension to get the belt around him. (you get the picture.) Beings it was a flight through the night everyone was pretty much sleeping... so of course they were both snoring and to top it off the "odor eater needed" fella had his hand in his pants while he was sleeping ! SUPER!!! LOL

Well after the 3 hour flight that seemed like 20 hours, we arrived 20 minutes late into Newark and of course I wasn't even at the right concourse for my connection to after seriously bustin a move to get to my gate right at 6:34am, I saw the board.... "6:30am Toronto FLIGHT CANCELLED"....
next flight out 8:30am... oh but wait there is a horrible storm so we wouldn't end up leaving Newark until after 11am. Afer boarding the plane at 11am, we then sat on the plane for another hour before finally leaving!
I was supposed to have arrived in Toronto at 8:30am... actual arrival time, 1:40pm! Ok now off to baggage claim.... can you take a wild guess??? Bags still in Newark! OF COURSE they are! LOL
at this point I've had no sleep, no food, no water.....pretty much delusional! I just had to stop and laugh!
God, is this a test??? LOL haven't I had enough tests in my life for heaven's sake!

Finally made it to the hotel and I am about to get some food in my belly and crash!
Let's hope any other stories will be a little more uplifting..... although you must admit, it is rather humurous!

Make sure to watch this blog and Facebook for other updates, news, stories, etc! Gonna be an awesome weekend!
talk soon

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Off to Canada!

getting ready to head out to the airport... headed to Toronto for the WBFF World Championships!
I'll be posting updates here as well as Facebook!
Thanks for keeping up with my postings everyone! talk soon

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost Show Time!

hey ya'll!
hope everyone's summer has been fantastic! As usual my life has been very busy.... next week I will be headed to Canada to compete with the "best of the best" in the fitness industry! I am very excited, also a bit nervous to be on stage with such awesome athletes! What an honor!
For those of you who haven't received an email, or noticed on the website, Straight Up Beauty skin care products are officially launched and you can purchase them in kits or individually on our Store page at
If a kit doens't fit your budget, but you would like to see some major improvements with the elasticity and "glow" of your skin, I would suggest purchasing some individual Serums and Peptide Lotions they are awesome!
Last week I was able to go down to Kentucky to visit with my family on the farm! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and we had a great time! My mom taught me how to can food (she has a garden the size of my house! LOL) we also spent a lot of time hanging in the pool and of course I spent a lot of time in the gym and out sprinting on those beautiful country roads.
We recently found out that my baby brother and sister in law are expecting their first baby in February so we are super excited!
As summer comes to an end we will be running some online training specials for Straight Up Fitness so keep an eye out on the website, or facebook! If you haven't "Liked" our Facebook page please join us on there as well! :)
Catch up soon!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Busy summer times!

hope everyone's summer is going great!
We have been really busy with many new and exciting projects! First off, I am only 5 weeks out from my big World competition in Toronto with the WBFF! My biggest goal at this show is not necessarily to place extremely well (although that would be a plus as well), but to meet and shoot with all of the fabulous photographers that will be there.. this opportunity will gain tons of exposure for me as an athlete, but also for our wonderful business Straight Up Fitness and all of my awesome coaches and partners!

On another note, my new skin care line, Straight Up Beauty is ready to launch! You will notice we will be adding the products onto our online store by the end of the month and will begin presales!
During our pre sale period, you will receive a great discount on all of the products that you are sure to love! This stuff is amaze ! :)

Ok just a quick update for ya'll talk soon

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love everyone.... always

Seems to me that many people I know (as well as myself) have had many issues in life with what I like to call "mean people." You know, the ones who make assumptions about you and your character, or judge you when they really have no place to be judgemental at all, or try to cut you down when they really have no reason to do so. Or they just straight up make stuff up about you, which is super fun! LOL
I hear about this problem quite often from friends, family and clients.... I think its a pretty common problem and it can really take its toll on all of us as individuals..... fact is if you let it, it can steal your joy.

Its not an easy thing to deal with, but we must remember that good ole' golden rule.... treat others as you would like to be treated! It is God's command that we love eachother the way that He loves us.... and that means with the good and the bad, unconditionally no matter what the price.
So even if/when someone judges you.... labels you, or talks about you and your life even when they don't know or have any facts .... you must still have love and compassion for them in your heart.
God tells us that we are to pray for our "enemies".... which really doesn't seem quite fair does it? LOL
I have found that to be one of the most difficult things to do.
Having said that, as it turns out by praying for those who have hurt me at some point or another in my life, it has allowed me to heal and let go so that I can be happy and keep my joy!

Remember, no person has any right to judge you for anything! What you do, what you say, how you act, etc is between you and God! Keep your peace, and don't give people the power to hurt you!

Have a super day!

Friday, June 17, 2011

10 Weeks until show time!

Yes its true..... I'm competing at World's in Toronto at the end of August! 10 weeks to go and I've never felt better!
Photo shoots are going great and pics will be posted soon!

hope everyone's summer is going super.... its my favorite time of year :)


Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekend Fun!

Had a great time hitting Red Rocks last week with my pals, and then the incline in Manitou this morning!
If anyone wants to join we will be alternating between these two places every Friday afternoon!
Contact me at for more info!
Great workouts and beautiful scenery :)

Thanks to Jason Hayes for my great photo shoot this weekend..... I will be having shoots each weekend for the next couple of months so new photos will be posted soon!

hope ya'll had a lovely Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grouchy Folks !

What's ya'lls take on grouchy people? My goodness I had to run errands today and by the time I was done, I had been cut off 3 times..... (2 of which were in my car and the other was actually by a grouchy grocery cart driver in the store), then the checker was so miserable that when I said "hello how are you today".... literally no response LOL, then how about the folks in the line next door who's kiddos were screaming from the top of their lungs and their resolution to that was to yell back at them only to escalate the already unbearable situation.
Then off to the bank I went where the poor teller (who was trying to help the grouchy customer) was getting yelled at about some NSF items that the customer had hit their account. The poor girl (teller) kept telling this grouchy customer that she wasn't the one to talk to about this, yet the customer kept screaming at her. I felt so bad for her!
My take on this is #1- be patient you aren't the only person on the road, #2- be courteous to people always, waiting an extra 5-10 minutes its not the end of the world,  #3- is it just me, or does yelling at an upset child only make the situation worse?, #4-if you hate your job that much, then find another job, #5- its not the teller's fault that you have NSF's on your account, stop and think before you act!

Seriously though, life is what you make it! Make good choices, do the right things and treat people the way you want to be treated! Its not that difficult is it? God gives us all grace, how about we try using it... life is just way too short to spend miserable and grouchy all of the time!
Make some changes, and BE HAPPY! :) -just sayin!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Proud Moments

As a trainer and coach, it is so amazing and rewarding to assist individuals in not only reaching all of their goals, but also to see how it transforms them as a person and helps to improve their overall quality of life.
This past weekend one of my clients, Nancy competed in her first figure show and came home with a 1st place and two 2nd place trophies. Of course every time that any of my girls compete is a wonderful proud moment for me, but Nancy's journey has been one of those very special journeys that I will certainly never forget. When Nancy first came to me in August of 2010, she was just recovering from a serious illness that had put her flat on her back, literally for months. Because she wasn't able to workout in any way she wasn't only feeling terrible physically, but it had taken its emotional and mental toll as well. She was 50 years old and started working with me at 33% body fat.
She was dedicated to getting healthy and was diciplined in every regard. Nancy never missed her workouts, she ate only the things that I had put on her meal plans and 9 months later she was able to compete in her 1st ever figure competition! Her mind/body/soul has completely transformed..... she stepped on stage at an amazing 12% body fat and came home with an arm load of trophies!
Nancy will be competing again soon, and I'm confident that she is going to keep doing an amazing job!
Thank you Nancy for allowing me to help you on this journey, and for giving me such a proud and wonderful moment!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pro Debut

I have received some messages lately asking when I'm going to be making my debut in the WBFF.
Well, I want it to be a surprise ;) LOL J/K
It will be at World's this year in August and I'm super excited and ready!

On another note I have photo shoots each weekend beginning May 21st through the end of July, so I will be posting some pics on my FB page as they are completed.
Out with the old, and in with the new.
If anyone has any photo shoot ideas/suggestions please share them! Always looking for new ideas!

Post again soon!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gifts and Talents

I remember when I was little I wanted to be a singer or a movie star.
There was only one small problem, I couldn't act and I certainly couldn't sing... although I thought I sounded just amazing in my room jamming out to my Tiffany, Amy Gibson and Paula Abdul, my parents had to break it to me gently, that singing just wasn't my gift!
Darn it! So disappointing..... on the other hand thank goodness they were honest with me and I didn't end up being one of those poor souls on the American Idol auditions :)

Has there ever been something in your life that you wanted to do so badly, but you just had to come to the realization that maybe it just wasn't your "thing"?
In my last posting I talked about being secure in yourself, loving yourself and being content in your own skin.
Well recongnizing your talents, gifts and and abilities can really help all of us increase our securities in ourselves. Usually these things stem off of something that your interested in and do as a profession or even as a hobby. My favorite quote is "God will never help you be someone else, use your own gifts wisely and celebrate your life."
This is so true! You were born with your own plan, and your own talents and once you discover what those things are and begin focusing on them you will see yourself growing and having great success!

Look around, so many people were born so differently and with so many different talents. Imagine the possiblities if everyone could recognize and focus on those things and utilize them for good, rather then trying to be and do things that other people do!
Would be pretty amazing wouldn't it!

So take a moment and write down your own gifts and talents! I bet you'll amazed to see what you can find out about yourselves!

Happy Sunday to you!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Insecurity No More!

I believe it is true that insecurity is a serious epidemic in this country, and I wish I could understand at what point this epidemic starting spreading to the majority. I mean let's face it, insecurity has always been around, but is it just me, or does it seem like it has progressively gotten worse and worse over the years?
Well after studying up a little and diving into some differtent literature here's some conclusions that I have personally come to:
There's all sorts of insecurity... here are some examples and thougths:
*The Bullies" - I think we have all experienced a bully at one time or another in our lives. They are the "powerful and all knowing", and usually come across as very arrogant and narcissistic. They tend to "rule" over people using fear and intimidation methods.
* The Materialistic- You know, those "trying to keep up with the Jones' " folks! They feel the need to "show off" what things they have and care too much about what other people think about thier possessions. They are overly concerned with "status" and reputation. I know many weatlhy people who keep their wealth very private and don't feel the need to "flaunt" it.... but the insecure folks definetly feel the need to let it known that they are wealthy. Now please don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with having nice things.... nice cars, clothes, etc. BUT have you ever met those poeple who are overly obsessed with these things, and are constatnly talking about them? I think the biggest indicator of a materialistic/insecure person is someone who is all the time focused on not only what they have/wear or drive, but are overly aware of and make exessive comments about what everyone else has/wears and drives..... anyone know what I'm talking about?
* The Dependent- they feel so bad about who they are that they have to depend on others in order to survive. They typically surround themselves and submit to the bully and materialistic types.
* The Vain-  Our society is completely focused on outer appearances and this certainly contributes to all of our worry with regard to our outer appearaces. There's nothing wrong with being proud of who you are and what you look like, we are supposed to feel that way, but those who are overly obsessed with vanity are those who are truly insecure about the way that they look and feel they need to constantly be "fixing" or changing things about themselves in order to be accepted by others.
* The Judgemetal- It is human nature to be judgemental of people. Especially if/when you've had some bad experiences with people at some time in your life. We must use good sense when allowing people into our lives, as we want to avoid the insecurity types listed above, but at the same time we have to have faith in people and try to always give them the benefit of the doubt.
I have found that again, the overly judgemental are those who have deep rooted insecurities. When the judgements and the gossip become obsessive and constant. Be aware of this, as this can be an area that you can easily get sucked into! (I know I have from time to time)

If you think that you are any of these things, don't worry!
You can change! You can grow! You can be rid of any insecurities that you have!
I believe in order to change these things about ourselves that we have to dig down deep and get to the root of our problems! Its easy to point the finger at everyone else, but how often do we really stop and think about our own actions? It is a process and one of the hardest things you may ever do because you will have to face some serious and sometimes ugly truths! Maybe you had an abusive up brining, or maybe you were constantly picked on and bullied, maybe your parents never taught you about self love, or maybe you didn't get the love and acceptance from them that you needed, maybe your worth and value has always been wrapped up in "things" or the way you look. First things first- you are a product of your surroundings so if you really want to make a change to be truly content and HAPPY, then you might have to re-evaluate who you are around and hang out with, and then be willing to make the changes if necessary. (Make people EARN the right to be a part of your life, rather then just giving yourself away!) Once your rid of that negative energy you can then start working on YOU! Dissecting your thoughts, your actions and your words and start facing whatever realities that you need to face so that you can truly LOVE yourself regardless what circumstances you are in. Ask yourself some hard ?'s : "if my husband/wife wasn't here, how would I feel about myself?", "if I didn't have these friends how would I feel about myself?", "if I didn't have this house/car/job/status how would I feel about myself?" if you answer these types of questions honestly you can probably figure out what your insecurities are and then you can begin to work on them!
One of the greatest challenges we face in our lifetimes is becoming comfortable in our own skin. A person who is secure with themselves is much more likely to achieve success, have meaningful relationships, and be respected by others.
Learn to love yourself unconditionally! Learn to enjoy yourself! Learn to enjoy your own company ! Everywhere you go, there YOU are so you might as well have love, joy and security!

have a great day!

Friday, April 22, 2011

More Good News

Straight Up Fitness will be launching its own Personal Trainers certifictaion by summer of this year!
So any of you who maybe had interest in becoming a trainer, OR becoming a SUF coach, but don't have your certification can now get certified through us and be ready to roll!
Hope you all have a great Friday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Great New Adventures

What am amazing year 2011 is shaping up to be! I wanted to start this blog so I can post all of the new adventures that I have coming up! After launching my new online training and coaching company,
Straight Up Fitness, there has been nothing but opportunity and success literally "falling" into my lap!
God does work in  mysterious ways doesn't He! 2010 was an awful year for us, we had what we thought was a great business endeavor and partnership completly turn sour and left us wondering where to go and what to do next. We had always thought that owning a gym would be our "dream come true", and after that endeavor failed us TWICE IN A ROW, we realized that God obviously had other things planned for us.
Its funny how He will take you around the same mountain time and time again, until you finally "get it!"
Well we GOT IT alright, lessons learned and experiences that now have educated us and given us the current opportunities that far exceed anything beyond our wildest dreams!
I want to tell any of you who read this blog, listen to what God tells you to do.... follow His rules, do not compromise yourself or your beliefs in areas that you know you shouldn't. Do what He wants you to, even if it might go against what YOU want for yourself at the time! If you can learn to do this, your life will be so much happier, simpler and you will have many, many blessings! I have learned the hard way, but I have learned that God's plan for us is SOOO much better then what we think we have planned for ourselves!
Straight Up Fitness was created and launched in November, 2010 if I told you how it came to be and how things just "fell into place" for it, you wouldn't even believe me! That's truly how miraculous it was!
Since then we have established working partnerships with some amazing companies like: Venice Nutrition, BNRG Supplements, and our newest partner, World Ventures.
So what does all of this mean you ask? Well SUF is your "1 stop shop" for your fitness needs, nutrition needs, supplement needs and now even your vacation needs!
I will be posting all of our progress on our current projects as they all come to fruition... here's a couple of the things that we are currently working on for 2011:
*All inclusive Fitness Camps throughout the United States
*SUF Full Service Fitness Facilities throughout the United States

Also look for me to be making my Pro Debut this year. I have many photoshoots scheduled this year beginning in May, I will be posting my experiences with those as well!

Much love to all of you! And may God bless you and yours!